Listening comprehension activities in the teaching-learning process of the English language




Listening comprehension, teaching-learning process, activities, English language.


The objective of this article is the elaboration of activities, to favor the development of listening comprehension in the teaching-learning process of students who showed insufficiencies in the listening comprehension of the English language at the "Cinco de Mayo" Fiscomisional Educational Institution. It is a field-action research and research methods such as analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive method with mixed approach were used to determine the students' listening comprehension level and the elaboration of the proposal. The instruments used were: classroom observation cards and diagnostic test applied to the students to determine the level of listening comprehension in English, interview with English teachers to learn about the information they have about the current practices of teaching listening comprehension. The population consisted of 214 students. The sample consisted of 63 eighth grade students and 4 English teachers. The analysis of the results indicated that the activities used are insufficient to develop listening comprehension and that the proposal contributes to its development by approaching it from a set of activities focused on the integral development of listening comprehension, considering the students' ability levels. 


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How to Cite

Alcivar Zambrano, C., Loor Moreira, J., & Macias Sera, R. (2024). Listening comprehension activities in the teaching-learning process of the English language. Chone, Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(1).

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